After a long time of preparation, the time has come... Next Saturday at 11 a.m. we will start with the shop and further blog posts on current and future developments. You can follow the countdown of my website to the start. I am really looking forward to experiencing all this together with you.
The website will be designed in such a way that there will be the shop on the one hand, the continuation of the blog on the other, but also other topics, such as instructions for the kits. I would like to give you this, because I would have liked such a guide in some situations. In addition, there will be tips and, in the near future, a calendar marking the events at which I will present my products and can be found yourself. 😊
Feel free to share your thoughts on the site and the articles with me. I am always open to constructive criticism. There will be corresponding comment functions for this purpose.
I wish you all a good time until the start. Stay healthy!
Best regards,
Thomas Montaperti
2 responses
Hallo Thomas,
gefällt mir sehr gut Dein Shop, meine erste Auftragsarbeit ist ja in der Umsetzung.
Vielen Dank für den Spitzen Service.
Eine weitere Bestellung mit Bauteilen wird nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.
Ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg und Spaß mit Montaperti Modelltechnik.
Viele Grüße
Alexander Lösch
Team Frankemodell
Hallo Alexander,
vielen lieben Dank! Komm gerne jederzeit auf mich zu 🙂
Best regards,